Trails Closed
All Marathon county snowmobile trails are closed. Thank you to Ron, Ryan and Nicholas for all their hard work grooming this season. And thank you to all of our volunteers for making this another great season. Glandon Snowbarons
March Meeting Recap
Good morning all! Hope you’re staying out of the rain today. The Burger and Brat fry was another successful event for us this year. Let’s hope for more of the same in years to come. Thank you to all that … Continued
Wednesday February 27th
Thank you to all that came out for our annual Brat Fry. See you next year. Next meeting March 12th. 7:30 PM Phils Round 2
Valentines Day
Good morning. Happy Valentines day to all. At last nights meeting we discussed the upcoming brat fray. February 23rd from 11-3pm at Hewitt town all. We are asking club members to bring in bars or cookies please. Some club Shirts/Sweatshirs … Continued
Tuesday February 12th
hey everybody Tonight’s meeting has been postponed to tomorrow night Wednesday February 13th, Phils Round 2 at 7:30 Stay safe.
Wednesday Feb 6th
Looks like we got some much needed snow last night, with more to come tomorrow. Great job on the snow dance. Zones 1 and 2 are open in Marathon county. We will be checking them out this weekend. Sounds like … Continued
January Meeting recap 2019
Thank you to all that came out to our Annual Christmas party yesterday. It was great to see everyone. We held a short meeting during the lunch, here is a recap. Daylan Enkers and John Kurth stopped by the meeting … Continued
December Meeting follow up
Thank you to all that attended last nights meeting. It sounds like we should have the new groomer by the end of the week, now we just need snow so we can play with it. Invites for the Christmas party … Continued
It’s December
Happy December everyone. Hope everyone had a great thanksgiving and a fantastic hunting week. The trails remain closed at this time. Next meeting Tuesday December 11th at 7:30 pm Phils Round 2. Xmas Party January 6th 2019 at noon Phils … Continued
November Meeting Recap
Thanks again for all that came out to the meeting last night and to Linda and Phil for hosting. With the new groomer on the way, we are looking into having a fundraiser. Details are still being worked out. if … Continued