September Meeting recap

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Good morning. Our first meeting of the 2018-2019 season is in the books. Thank you for all that came out and welcome to our new members!

There is a groomer in Antigo that we are looking at possibly purchasing, if you want to go look at it, Call Ron.

We will be offering a snowmobile safey course again this fall. Details to come once dates have been confirmed. Anyone born after Jan 1st 1985 MUST have a snowmobile safety course.

The AWSC is having their fall conference in Wisconsin Dells the weekend of October 26th. If you are interested in attending please Contact Shirley, as the club will pay for your room and fees to the conference.

Our annual kick off party will be held October 14th at noon at Phils Round 2. Cost is $10.00 per person. Must pay dues to attend. You can pay the day of the dinner.

Check back for more updates and news.





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